"Life doesn't have be a to-do list!" -Michael Abraham
"You ain't sh*t if you don't knit." -Debbie Stoller, author of Stitch 'n Bitch
Kiel vi fartas?: Mi estas tre kulpa. (I'm really guilty.)
I'm honestly embarrassed with how long it's been since I've blogged. My sincerest apologies to all two-to-four of my followers.
What've you been up to, girl?
So, for a recap of the last few months, I shall spit out random words and allow you, dear readers, to piece them together and form a creative narrative of my recent life. Winner gets baked goods from me.
Bob Dylan! Decemberists! Steampunk! Pointillism! Wicked! Sassy gay friend! Lamps! Auditions! Sacramento! Dan Savage! Purple! Knitting! Snow! Poetry!
...Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!
Okay, okay, okay, let's get to the point... of the blog...
Shoot. Yeah. That's fallen by the wayside as I've returned to school, too...
Now wait just one second! I have, in fact, made an interesting observation on which I'd like to meditate for a little while.
As I started my fourth year of l’éducation français, I noticed that, for the first few weeks, I had a new struggle to with which to contend- not mixing up French and Esperanto. I would search my mind for the word, and come to the Esperanto one (or an Esperanto-ish guess) faster than I reached the French one. It was frustrating, not only because it was the wrong word, but because it reminded me of the strong contrast between Eo (as it's abbreviated) and other languages. French is grossly irregular- indeed, we're quizzed on the exceptions to rules all the time. It's the incredible thing that, while keeping French interesting, makes it quite difficult to learn. While I can hold my own in a conversation with a native speaker (provided they speak slowly), I am by no means fluent.
Esperanto, on the other hand, has no irregularities. That's how Zamenhoff designed the thing. All nouns end in -o, all adjectives in -a. The only word for "the" is "la". There's no indefinite article.
Yet, I find myself struggling to keep Esperanto and French apart. When I think or compose in Eo, I find myself integrating French (trying to remember what the indefinite article is, figuring out the noun gender, etc.). Silly, yes, but I can't help it. Three years of French is battling two months of Esperanto.
Despite all of this, I still want to push forward. Lernu! has basic, intermediate, and advanced-level exams to officially classify your level of proficiency in Eo, and I am determined to take and pass the basic-level exam by the time I graduate. There's a lot to learn even just for the basic exam, so flash cards and annoying friends with studying may be in order.
So what's on the agenda, in case we don't hear from you?
-In January, I'm going to Sacramento with some other kids from my school to perform in the Bob Smart Theatre Festival! Out of all of the students who expressed interest, about 15-18 of us were chosen to go. It's such an honor, and I'm really excited.
-Christmas is coming up, which means lots of sewing, partying and lazing around the house refusing to do anything which actually matters. Also, I'll be learning to make French onion soup, so everyone watch out.
-And finally, poetry slam next weekend! I'm presenting two pieces, and the winner of the slam gets their poems published in the local newspaper. If you're in the area, contact me (you know how if you know me) and I'll fill you in!
Until next time, miaj amikoj!
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